Many people may think that because I make bags, I have a closet-full. Not so.
I get a new bag when I decide to keep one that didn't turn out quite right {an "oops" bag} or one, that for some incredibly strange reason, hasn't sold! ;-)
Today was different. We are getting ready to head out on Spring Break {WOO HOOO} and I desperately needed a new bag. My current bag was an old oops bag that I carried last winter and I was tired of it. It wasn't very beach-y . . at all. So, I decided to make a bag just for me; something I would buy if I were looking at websites or Etsy shops.
Here's what I came up with. My new favorite, natural linen, paired with a patchwork of some of my favorite fabrics; topped off with a band of brand new Amy Butler Midwest Modern pink floral. I've shown pics of both sides because they are different.
I'd love to have your comments on this bag. I'm going to set up a poll on the blog too. Please vote and let me know if you want more linen bags. I would love to make more if you like them.
More about spring break soon. ;-)
And a note about Idol Gives Back:
- Biggest Surprise of the Night : HEART! Love ya, Ann & Nancy! I just hated that Ann apparently can't hit those high notes anymore; but Fergie did a great job
- Most Impressive Move of the Night : 2 one-handed front walkovers by Fergie! WOW
- GOING HOME TONIGHT: Syesha although Carly is low in the polls