You know the excitement and anticipation you experience when you order something on line or from a catalog?
You can't wait until it comes in the mail.
You stalk the mailman! (well, hopefully not stalk. Maybe you just watch for the delivery each day)
Well, the excitement & anticipation is even better when you get something for FREE!!! ;-)

I was the lucky winner of this giveaway at the Woolgatherings blog. The prize was a pair of beautiful earrings, handmade by my friend Beki of Pampering Beki. HOW COOL IS THAT???
Besides being a talented designer & artist, Beki knows about presentation too. I've share pics below of my little treasure that came in the mail. The packaging is so pretty and makes you truly feel like you've received a gift. Now Beki didn't do this just because I won the earrings. I purchased a pair of earrings earlier this year & they were packaged just as beautifully. You may remember when I blogged about the pearl earrings.