Two Thumbs Up!
After seeing the previews & trailers for the past few months, we knew that we HAD to see Prince Caspian this week. Many times a sequel or 2nd movie just doesn't live up to the excitement & plot of the original.
That is not the case for Prince Caspian, the 2nd movie in The Chronicles of Narnia series. What a wonderful movie . . . possibly BETTER than the first! Prince Caspian unites with the Pevensie children, the Narnian Kings & Queens of old, to conquer his evil uncle and liberate the kingdom of Narnia. There is some well-time comic relief from many characters and displays of chivalry from even the smallest creature. The costuming is beautiful. If you smock, be sure to notice Prince Caspian's tunic in the opening scenes. Aslan appears in this movie, after Lucy's unfailing faith of his presence when she returns to Narnia.
I'll be honest; I'm not into fantasy movies AT ALL, but Prince Caspian has such a wonderful story; continuing with the return of the Pevensie children to Narnia. It was a must-see. Although I have not read the books by C.S. Lewis I was told by a very reliable source that the movie is VERY good. ;-) If you didn't see The Chronicles of Narnia, be sure to rent it & watch before going to see Prince Caspian!