It's a job
A full-time job : cooking, laundry, taxi service, homework help, nurse, kisser of boo-boos, chaser of monsters . . . maker of "everything will be OK"
You know it because you do it
Along with the responsibility comes the most amazing love!
Appreciation in little ways that mean the most
Appreciation in big ways that take your breath away
Hugs & kisses, smiles & laughs, holding hands, going on vacation, staying at home
Cards & flowers, a crayon sketch
A funny song, home movies
Baby pictures
It's the best job in the world . . . the best job I've ever had
I am blessed beyond words, beyond my highest expections, beyond my dreams
Today my card said "I will always be proud to call you Mommy"
That's a long time :-)
It's the best job in the world
One that I will cherish always
One that I will cherish always
H A P P Y M O T H E R ' S D A Y