Michael Johns gave his best performance ever on American Idol! WOW!! He obviously has a connection with Queen music. After Bohemian Rapsody and now We Are The Champions...he's found his niche. He needed a good week . . . he couldn't go on his handsome-ness forever.
David Cook . . . well, I'm afraid he stole the show. I WANT to like him, but there's something
that keeps me from jumping on board completely. He does have a wonderful talent and an excellent voice. Like Daughtry, he will do well whether his wins this competition or not. Truthfully, people like David Cook do BETTER by not winning. They get the exposure they need, land a record deal, then can do the kind of music they WANT to do; rather than what the American Idol machine wants.

And . . . David Archuleta . . . I wish I had known that song. He is such a great singer, but it was hard for me to get into a song that I'd never heard.
My pick to go home tonight . . . . . RAMIELE