Monday, August 9, 2010

Back to School

Those dreaded words that your kids don't want to hear

It's that time around here.  Supplies have been purchased.  New clothes are in the closet.
The slower pace of summer is gone.  It's back to an earlier bedtime.  There will be homework. . .  and practices . . .  and games.

Summer was too short, IMHO.  I enjoyed spending time with Little Gracious. The pace in the studio slowed a bit and it was great to be a Mom.

It's still great to be a Mom, but I will be spending lots more time in the studio.  It's Back to School time for kids and Back to Work time for me.  :)  It's a good thing.  I have some custom wedding orders to finish and LOTS of new fabric for fall and Christmas goodies.

If you have a few more days of summer, enjoy it!  Those kids are growing up right before your eyes! :)